Friday 30 September 2011

I collected the results of my questionnaire that I had given to 20 year 11 students (all girls). Next I'm going to make a table with my results and maybe a bar graph and analyse them.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Today, i finished my questionnaire. I decided I want my target audience to be year 11. I also started researching other school magazines looking at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them so that i can take it into consideration when designing my own school magazine.

This is my questionnaire.


Hi, my name is Tasnema, I am a year 12 student and I’m designing a school magazine, could you please fill this questionnaire out for me. Thanks.

1.)   Which name is your favourite for the title of the magazine?
(Tick one box)
 Beaver Times                   Beaverwood news             The Beaver                

 Beaver’s news             BW news                   

2.)   What colour theme would you like throughout the magazine?
(Tick one Box)

      Beaverwood theme colours                                
       (Colours of the school uniform)                   

      Natural/ Pastel colours
       (Soft beige, light greens and yellow colour etc)

       Luminous colours
       (Green, pink, yellow etc)
      Different colours for each page                      
      (No order)

      One theme colour
      For whole magazine

Suggest colour


3.)  Which price do you think is adequate for a school magazine?
(Tick one box)

Free                40p               50p               £1.00              £1.50              

4.)  Would you like competitions and games in the magazine?

Yes                                                No   

5.)  What would you like the magazine to be based on?
(Tick one box)

Transition to college                    
Or 6th form 

         Coping with the                                                               
         Exam period

         Revision techniques
 (The boxes to tick a option were included in the original questionnaire.)

Wednesday 14 September 2011

This is my third media lesson. Today we looked at another example of a school magazine to give us some ideas of how to do our. I looked at some other examples to, we also noted our target audience and what things we are going to include in our own magazine like the price, the name of the magazine, theme etc. My target audience are year 11's.

Friday 9 September 2011

Just made my blog account! Had my second media lesson, and today we saw examples of another students school magazine that they had created and discussed what the good and bad effects of it were.