Wednesday 16 November 2011

2nd Media lesson-Other examples of school magazine

Point 1: The title of the magazine isn't that obvious as it not in capitals and mixes in with what  they say is going to be in the magazine.
Point 2: There is a blue theme with the magazine with a faded background image that gives a good effect 
Point 3: The school logo is relevant for the magazine so that it can be recognized
Point 4: The magazine shows  two students from the school so we know they are from the school. They look like they are in year 11 (maybe the target audience) because they are in uniform.
Point 5: The main story looks like its about the new humanities building and it shows what page you have to go on to read about it.
Point 6: Something intriguing makes you want to buy the magazine to see what  the story is going to be.
Point 7: Advertising what might be inside the magazine like an advice column 

Point 1: Talks about what is inside the magazine but not in that much detail and the colours match with the background- maybe hard to see.
Point 2: You can see the model in the picture who looks like she is looking at a results sheet or something.
Point 3: The location gives it a nice affect.
Point 4: The font of writing doesn’t look that professional.
Point 5: This magazine doesn't look that professional, because you can easily see it hasn't  been photo shopped, although the photo is set in a nice scenery.
Point 6: The magazine doesn’t have a school logo or bar code which makes it not look like a real magazine.

Point 1: This school magazine looks  quite professional because of the sophistication of one colour and just two pictures. Although I would say that it looks more like an ‘induction booklet’ of the school then a school magazine.
Point 2: There is no barcode on the magazine.
Point 3: The name of the school looks almost like the logo giving a good affect.
Point 4: The first photo looks like its of the school but not photo shopped that much, whereas the second image looks more edited and contrasted.
Point 5: It doesn’t have any labels, or information on the front about what is going to be in the magazine which is un-professional.

1 comment:

  1. These examples seem to be out of sync with the order of project. Evidence of research into existing magazines (and prospectuses?)
