Wednesday 23 November 2011

The pictures I used for my contents and magazine front cover and the pictures that I rejected

1st Image: In this picture the lighting is shining directly on the model and the picture is a mid shot. The way the model is dressed and the make-up goes with the theme of ‘prom’ the glamorous, chic look. Although I might have to be careful with the lighting as this lighting is quite bright and the might make a contrast with the background (the school hall) which would be taken in the morning.

2nd Image: In this image the model also looks elegant but is wearing a different dress. I think that the lighting in this picture is wrong because it looks a bit dull and blue and I don’t think it would go with the background. And it seems as though the pose is quite uncomfortable.
3rd Image: I think that this picture would work to as the magazine front cover as it is a perfect mid shot. Although I think that she doesn’t quite look as if she is going to prom as she should have more jewellery.

4th Image: I have rejected this image because it is not a mid shot and the camera angle is tilted plus she is not looking at the camera, which would mean that she wouldn’t be making contact with the audience which is important.
5th Image: I wouldn’t use this Image as the back ground for my model because it seems colourless and it doesn’t look like a prom background.
6th Image: This image would is showing the whole stage a better setting but the angle of the shot seems a bit tilted and the colour looks to bright because it was taken in the daytime, but the prom is going to be held in the evening so u would have to contrast the image more.

7th Image: This image has a better contrast and would look more realistic when I place the model in the image.
8th Image: The picture is a midshot. As it is showing the front of the school and would be more effective. I would improve the angle of the camera because it is a bit tilted. The picture is a midshot.

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of planning and drafting - selecting material appropriate and accounting for decision-making process
