Thursday 3 November 2011

Font Styles for my magazine front cover

Beaver Times
This is my first font; I wanted the colours to be like the Beaverwood school uniform as the graduation/prom is the last time the year elevens will be together as a year, so I wanted to be like a memorable gesture.
What I like about it: the colours match with the uniform and it’s bold.
What I would don’t like/need to improve: Have a more elegant font maybe.
Font: Times New Roman
Beaver Times
This is the improved font from the one above, I went for a different font to see if could find a more sophisticated font; I kept the colour the same to see if they fitted together.
What I like about it: It goes with the graduation theme of elegance and the colours combine a memorable status of a title.
What I don’t like/need to improve: n/a
Font: Edwardian Script ITC
Beaver Times
I changed the colour to a pinky/red to look more girly and classy, I also underlined the title.
What I like about it: It’s an eye popping colour, would go with the theme proms.
What I don’t like/need to improve: It needs to have a bolder line underneath.
Font: Edwardian Script ITC

Beaver Times
For this font I tried a lighter colour so that it looks more relaxed and I made the letter at the beginning of title bigger so that  and to also go with the background which would be the school hall.
What I like about it: I like the two different colour themes.
What I don’t like: n/a

For the cover of my magazine I have chosen to go with the second font as I felt that it looked elegant to go with the prom theme but also away of remembering the school with the theme colours. Plus, preferred this font to the others.

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of planning, drafting and decision-making
