Saturday 24 December 2011

Analysis of different music magazines

Rock Magazine

This magazine is a rock/heavy metal magazine. You can tell what the genre of this magazine is going to be because it has most of the convention you would expect to see. E.g. the band have a serious look, it’s quite fierce as well as being all dressed in black and having dark make-up which connotes ‘fear’ and ‘evil’ it has usually negative connotations as we would expect the band’s music to come across as because it is very loud.
The title of the magazine is very bold and plays as a pun with the quote ‘Life is Loud’. The writtng seems ‘cracked’ as if someone has broken it by a loud sound. The name is also covered semi by one of the band members heads because the magazine is very well known and you don’t need to see the whole title to recognise which magazine it is.
The magazine has the story of the rock band written across the picture in big red writing to go with the theme. The main cover line acts as a hard hitting list of three which plays along with the main picture and the writing font as we relate the colour red to something like blood and death.
Unlike some other rock magazines I have seen from Karrang, this magazine doesn't have that much information on it doesn't look so 'stuffy' so we know were to look. It uses more pictures and this is placed at the bottom so that all the attention goes to the main picture. I would say the main target audience of this magazine would be the younger teenage audience as the rock band and other artists seem quite young too.

This is an example of another Karrang magazine with more information on the front cover.

Hip Hop/Rap Magazine
This magazine's genre is hip hop and rap. Again the magazine has a well known hip hop artist (Eminem) on the front of the magazine who seems to look very hench and serious as you can see him crossing his arms symbolising 'strength' and to show he is the 'boss'. He is making direct eye contact with the audience making it more personal. The writing on the front is mostly bold red and black writting connoting 'danger', which is what Eminem comes across as it resembles his personality in real life through music and his appearance. Again there is a list of three as the the main cover line so it creates a  bigger impact. Most of the cover lines are smaller than the main cover line and are usually rhetorical question so that it makes the audience want to find the answer to the question if they agree with it or not. As you can see, the layout is quite spacious and makes it easy to read and looks up to date, which compliments it's target audience (teenagers amd young adults).

Classical Music magazine

The genre for this music magazine is classical with incoparating jazz too. The style of this magazine is quite fresh and basic with the background being a plain white and other colour schemes being red, white and black. The front cover is again a main model who is a well known musician who plays classsical music as you can see by the prop she is holding (violine). Her facial expression is seems friendly and engaging because it seems as if she is smiling the the audience, this really comes across in the way she is also holding  her instrument showing how passionate she is about her music and whatshe does. The layout of the magazine is also quite basic with the a few basic bold headings and small subheadings. The font for the title is quite elegant and in red showing elegance and 'royaltiy' almost. Other advertisisng points on the cover of this magazine is the yellow puff at the top of the magazine which says that a CD comes free with every issue connoting you get a bargin offer with the price and its like a 'reward'. Another selling point is where it says  that this magazine is 'the worlds best selling classical magazine', with the well known BBC logo next to it, this shows that you are buying the best of the best. the target audience for this genre would probably be adults around thier mis 30's.

Something that all these magazines have in common is the fact that every model/arist on the front covers a bit of the title of the magazine, this shows that you don't have to see all of the title of the magazine to recognise it if it is a well known magazine. Plus the main story line of the magazine is usually a personal story to do with the artist on the front.

1 comment:

  1. Building awareness of conventions of different genres with some reference to page layout and design conventions
