Friday 2 December 2011

Evaluation of my magazine front cover and contents page

First of all I had to changed the colour theme of the magazine so that I could have similar colours running through it insead of the red colour which was quite random. I also included more pictures in the contents page so that it would look more colourful and more relistic. I wanted the picture on my front cover to look realistic so I used photoshop to edit out the model and put her on to the background (school hall) as I wanted to create illousion that she really is there and that is were the event will take place. Things that went well when creating my magazine front cover and contents age were the fact that I could use a variety of different techniques to test out fonts that when well with the elegant theme of the prom. I also liked that the title of the magazine went well with the theme.
Overall, I wanted to include what my target audience thought most importantly, what the magazine to include/look like. Although for my contents page I went for the 'Beaverwood' theme but using pictures instead like the school hall and the front of the school entrence. It was imporatant for me to keep looking back at the data I found out from my target audience so that I didn't just include what 'I' wanted in the magazine, that way it would show that my magazine could cater for the year elevens taste. 
I would change the fact that I did most of my work for the front cover  of the magazine on word document instead of powerpoint that way the magazine could have looked more professional. I would have shown print screens of my work in process to show how I actually made the front cover and magazine  i.e. what equiptment I used.

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