Thursday 5 January 2012

Double page spread analysis

I analysed two different music magazine double page spreads because I knew that there wasn't just one 'type' and it would give me a better idea of what I wanted for my magazine if I looked at a variety.
 First double page spread

This double page spread is from the music magazine 'Q' it  is a very common double page spread of a magazine, it has the main picture is on one side of the page and the writing on the other. The picture is a close up of Lady Gaga who seems very sensual at the way she is practically naked with her wearing chains connoting  'hardness' and 'strength' in as well how chains are. The fact that she is half naked in this picture shows the feminine side to Lady Gaga as she turns on the 'sex appeal'. In this image and is making direct eye contact with the reader this is very important because it makes the reader more engaged and understand the story of the celebrity better. Her sophisticated hair and make-up goes with the grey theme makes the picture seem old, giving this effect connotes that she is 'legendary' and should be remembered like other old artists, sort of like Marliyn Monroe look. On the oposite page the actual article is set out in a normal way but has a large 'L' shape going across it linking it to Lady Gaga, red connoting 'sex appeal' or 'danger' because we link it to blood. The letter is very large and is written in an elegant writing as is the article. The actual article is written in a very small writing ad uses capital letters at the beginning of each of the paragraphs so you know were to start from.  

Second double page spread

This double page spread is from the music magazine 'Vibe' it is quite unique as the layout shows the artist several times going across both of the pages. It is very clever way of showing an artist as if it is really a moving picture as it looks as if she is dancing in the smaller grey pictures in the background. Each of the shots are long  making her look tall and over powering in a way but also a good way of showing exactly what the artist is wearing as you can see from the picture a short orange dress connoting 'sexiness'. The artist is making eye contact with the audience in the main picture and standing in a 'girly' way as her hands are behind her back and feet are together making her look vulnerable to the audience and giving this message that you 'have to read the article because of the innocent look she is giving'. The writing on the page is bold and makes a statement just like her. The fact that the subheading says 'Forget her sister' in a grey colour than 'Solange Knowles' is in a bright blue colour connoting that she is more important. The rest of the writing is set out across the page which makes the pictures seem more 3D as if she is coming out of the page. This double page spread also uses captions near  the pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Some basic research into existing products with explanation of chosen spreads, rather than conventions of page layout and design
    Analysis of DPS within chosen genre?
