Wednesday 18 January 2012


Today I completed my questionnaire on classical music. All together, I made 12 questionnaires for my target audience. I thought I could give my questionnaire's too all my target audience aged 25 onwards but it wasn't that simple. 
I had to make sure that the sample I gave my questionaire to actuslly listened to classical music so that I got a representative data of my target audience. Although this was quite difficult as not many people I know listned to classical music. Therefore in the qustionnaire one of the questions is 'do you listen to clasical music?' so even the people who didn't could still fill it out so that I could take into account of their opinions to and what they like and don't like and suggestions telling me what I can improve to make it better.

1 comment:

  1. Evidence of research with consideration for target audience and validity of data
