Friday 13 January 2012

Genre of music for my magazine

The genre of music that I have decided to base my music magazine on is going to be classical music. I have chosen this genre of music as I thought that it would be different and exciting to try and go for something outside my peer groups taste which would usually be R&B or Pop. I know by choosing this genre I can put in my creative side and make the magazine look elegant using various different techniques, such as the font and styling. My target audience would be adults, preferably from their mid 20's onward who enjoy classical music and going to orchestra's as a hobbie. Therefore I have to be careful about who I give my questionnaire to as I might have a slight problem getting a big sample of my target audience for this genre than any other as I have found out that not many people may be into classical music or listen to it. I have thought about who I want my model/models to be for my magazine. I would like a solo artist as my choice but I will have to let my target audience decide this when they are completing the questionnaire. I have also thought about the type of props to include in the magazine, there should be distinctive items which you can instantly link to classical music such as a classical instrument like a violin. But I have decided I will be using a piano and a female model for my magazine cover as I think it is a easy way to show elegance and classic beauty straight away, especially if I dress my model in a feminine and smart dress to make her look professional.

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