Saturday 4 February 2012

My questionnaire results

My questionnaire results show a trend between hose who don't listen to classical music and those who do. The were 8 people who listened classical music and 4 people who didn't. (questions one and 2 are shown together on this sheet of paper,1 top half and 2 bottom half) 

In question one, the people who listen to classical music picked 'perfect harmony' as the best name for the music magazine, which was similar 2% of the people who don't listen to classical music who choose the 'perfect harmony' too as there favorite. 'The voice' was and 'key to compose' were also popular but it was decided that I had to go for 'perfect harmony' as the title of the magazine.

Question 2 shows that my target audience who listen to classical music choosing £2.50 as the best price for the magazine. Unlike the people who don't listen to classical music choosing £1.50 as the best price, but 1% agreeing with £2.50.
This graph is showing results or question 3 and 4, (3 top half and 4 bottom half).
Question 3 shows us whether the magazine should be online or not, with the majority of people who listen to classical music and those who don't agreeing that that the magazine should have an online copy. Altogether 5% from both who do and don't listen to classical music saying there shouldn't be an online magazine.  

Question 4 is about what should be featured on the front of the magazine. As you can see from both categories, solo artist seems to be more popular with instrument being second most popular with the people who listen to classical music, similarly with the people who don't listen to classical music.

Question 5 is about what people want the double page spread to be about.
Question 5 results show that people who don't listen to classical music picking fact file and interview of the artist equal (2%) whereas 4% of the people who do listen to classical music choose fact file, 3% interview and 1% anecdote about the artist. All together from both categories fact file is the highest. 

Question 6 is about what other features they want included in magazine, this will help me as it will give me ideas of what I should include on the front cover and in the contents page. As you can see from the people who do listen to classical music 7% wanted top 40 hits to be included as well as information about legendary artists coming in second. On the other hand the people who do listen who chose new artist as the most popular and upcoming tours and dates second. The least favorite was competitions from both categories. 
As I gave my target audience a 'Other' option where they could suggest what they liked to be features in the magazine one person suggested that I include the changes and development in music and advice about venues and orchestras, this is definatly something I have taken into account and will have o consider for my magazine.
 (Data from questions 7 and 8 are shown together, 7 is top half and 8 is the bottom half)
Question 7 is about the colour theme of the magazine as you can see from both categories the red, white and black theme is not that popular with just 1% from the 'do listen' category choosing it. Whereas the gold, black and white colour theme is the most popular with 4% of people who do listen to classical music choosing it and  3% from those who don't. The last option was also was also quite popular from the people who do listen to classical music to those who don't.

Question 8 is about how often the magazine should be issued. The results are quite contrasted like I expected it to be because as you can see the people who do listen to classical music choose every fortnight as the most popular with weekly and monthly as a tie (2% each) where as the people who don't listen to classical music obviously wouldn't be as interested as when it is issued because they don't listen to classical music therefor left weekly out completely and monthly was the highest with every fortnight coming in second.  

All my results were added together to give me fair results and so that my sample was big enough to be representative.

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