Tuesday 28 February 2012

Audience Feeedback

I asked for feedback from the 5 of my target audience (25 and over-male and female), but I choose differnt people to whom filled out my actual questionnaire so I could get valid results. Before I asked them for their response I asked them thier age just to be sure. The first question I asked them  was what they found most attractive about the front cover, contents page and double page spread. In general three of my target audience said they like the style of my font as it looks 'elegant' and that it 'goes with the theme of classical music. The first person (top image) is saying they like the  'general layout'. The 3rd image is another one of my target audience saying they think 'the violin goes with the theme of the magazine, similarly with the  and last image who also says they like the piano and the way the model is dressed. And the 4th image who likes the image of the front cover too. 
For my contents page, the majority of my target audience said that they like the 'faded image of the violin as the background of the contents page'. The third image shows one of my target audience saying they like the 'range of different things on the contents page', basically the content written. Lastly, for my double page spread the first two images (target audience) and last target audience said that they like the 'general  layout of the double page spread as well as the pictures. The 3rd person (image) said that the double page spread is very 'interesting and detailed'. And the last 2 images (target audience) say that they like the 'fact box' in the double page spread.

Here one of my target audience have said that they think that the target audience is 28 and over which is close to what my actual target audience was.
My target audience recognized the genre which was classical music and lastly, asked what I could improve about all three parts of my music magazine. This person said that that I didn't need to change anything about the contents page and front cover. And said that I need to change subheading on the double page spread.
This person said that the target audience is 30-60 which is close to my actual target audience, they also recognized the genre of music as classical. When asked what they would they improve about the front cover they said that there should be more information on the front cover of what else is in the magazine. I was originally going to put more information on the front cover about featured pages inside but the picture already took up alot of space so putting more writing would make it look too cluttered.

This target audience recognized the target audience as being between 25-30 and when asked what they would improve about the magazine. They said that the front cover should be brighter. This shows that maybe they thought the black, gold and white theme didn't stand out that much.

This person thought that the target audience was 18-60, when asked why they choose quite a young audience they said it was 'because 'the model looks young on the cover because of her piercing.' Although they recognized the genre as 'classical', when asked what they would improve about the music magazine, they said said they would change the fact that she is wearing lots of piercings on the front cover because is contradicts the genre.
Lastly, this person said that they think the classical music magazine is aiming at young classical musicians. This is good because it makes my magazine seem as if professional musicians would read it to as well as the target audience. When asked what they would improve about the magazine. They said that for the front cover again the piercings on the model because it is 'unusual' for a classical musician to be wearing lots of piercings. For contents page they said that I shouldn't have included 'plus much more inside'. This is maybe because if the magazine is very well known around the world the target audience will already know that there is much more inside.

In conclusion, all the feedback I got from my target audience was quite positive, although the age range that some of my target audience  said that the magazine was aimed at was quite surprisingly young because I used quite a young model and maybe because the piercings making her not follow the normal convention you would aspect to find on a classical music magazine.

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