Tuesday 7 February 2012

Pictures I have chosen for my magazine

These are the two pictures I have chosen for my front cover and contents page. The model playing the piano is for the front cover and the violine is for the contents page. The top picture is a close up of my model as you can see. I choose this picture as my front cover because I thought it would be better showing my model look as if she is really performing at a classical concert ad the close up will show her emotions towards classical music. I have choose the violin as my contents page picture because I think it contradicts the I idea that the whole magazine is about this pianist and is about other aspects of classical music, I wanted it to look simple and and not add anymore pictures then the violin itself this will make it seem as if the magazine is very well known and doesn't always have to have other pictures to do with what is inside the magazine.

These are the pictures I am planning on using for my double page spread. The top left picture of the model is a birds eye view shot. I took it at a high angle shot as I thought it would look unusual and professorial as she is also making eye contact which will engage the reader more, I could also imagine it looking really good across my double page spread. I want to use the rest of the photographs as smaller pictures for my double page spread. The top right shows my model looking down and playing the piano, this is again a birds eye view shot, I choose this picture as I thought that it would be good showing the artist playing the piano like how she really would be. The picture of the piano is a close up and moves the attention away from the model for a bit to show how important the music is too. The picture with the model looking up at the audience is one I don't know I want to use as I think I may have used to many of her. The last picture a her playing the piano from the back shows elegance in a way as you can see what she is wearing (white top and skirt) this connotes that she is still a young girl and white connotes innocence. The only problem is that I will have to crop out the chairs in the background.

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