Thursday 9 February 2012

Starting my Magazine front cover...

Programme used: Photoshop
I started of testing fonts and came up with two different fonts on a black background. The colour I used was gold. I wanted to make the 'P' from 'perfect' bigger so that when it was put together the image would cover a little bit of it.
Here I have started to add effect to the title just a outer shadow and a bevel and emboss effect to make it look more 3-D. I also made the writing wider across the page.
I decided that I wanted to change 'Harmony' into a different font as this font looked more sophisticated so I also add a effect to that so that it looked 3-D. I made sure that 'Harmony' was smaller than 'Perfect' so that there was more space underneath for my picture and the attention went on 'Perfect' first.
Here I have started to cut out the picture for my front cover.

After I cut out the picture I had to paste it onto the cover although I had a bit of a problem which was that the top of my models head was cut of so I to scale it bigger so that it was behind the text. This wasn't originally what I had in mind as I wanted the picture to cover a bit of the writing instead to make it seem as if the magazine is very well know. But it didn't look that bad after I dragged the writing at the top a bit more. I also added the white box at the top with the heading 'UK's favorite classical music magazine' like I had planed in my draft.
I changed the writing in the white box at the top to 'The world's favorite classical music magazine' and took it to the middle so that it looked like more writing to cover the space as well as luring the audience into thinking that you can't get a better classical music magazine then this one. I also started to write the name of the artist and made it larger than the subheading underneath which is in italics.

Here I started to add the gold thin rectangles using the 'shape' icon to make it go with the gold, black and white theme. I also made the writing of the main story a bit bigger and didn't want to add anything else as I thought it would look too 'cultured' because the picture is already quite big. Whereas in my draft there was much more writing. I also added the bar code with the price and issue number at the bottom I found out that most of the music magazine's tended to have that at the bottom with the bar  code, I also tried to get a very similar font.

I ended up using one more story line as I though that it would be appropriate to include one more in the side but being careful that it doesn't cover too much of the model. I used the same gold bar to separate the bold 'Win!' from the subheading underneath. Finally I added the website of the online magazine in the top right-hand corner in a white font so that my target audience know were to go to find it. Again, when I looked at the well know Classic Fm magazine the website was written in a similar font, the colour white and underneath the main title. 

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