Tuesday 7 February 2012

Drafts of my front cover, contents page and double page spread

Front cover draft
This is the first draft of my music magazine cover. I made it one Microsoft word. As you can see, the colour theme I went for mainly is gold, white, black and gold, this is primarily because of what my audience suggested from my questionnaire results, although I may just change the red font to just white as it would fit better with the brief. I have tried to go for a elegant font for the writing on both sides and used two different types of writing. I also added red lines to separate each of the articles featured. I added the conventional features such as a bar code with the date it has been issued as well as the price of the magazine. I have also added the website link on the top near the title so the audience know were to go to access the magazine online. At the top of the magazine I have added a line saying 'The UK's favorite classical magazine', this is a way of making the magazine seem like the best choice for my target audience as does the nation agree with it. It is a way of persuading them to buy the magazine.

Contents Page draft
As you can see the draft of my contents page still has a similar theme of gold and black running through it like my audience suggested. I choose the font to be similar to the front so it showed elegance. I decided that I wanted the fact the it 'the world's best selling music magazine' to  be written across the top of the contents page like a news flash to the audience and a reminder.

Draft of my double page spread
As you can see I wanted the main focus as soon as you come on to the double page spread to be the big picture if my model sitting on top of the piano as it looks classy and grabs your attention straight away. As for the title I decided to edit the photo o photo shop before transferring it on to Microsoft Publisher. I added a plum colour which matched her lipstic for her name than a royal blue colour for the subheading. I choose these to colours as I thought that they would best suit with the picture and stand out from the black. The main article is presented in colums across the the two pages and I will be using the font Time New Roman as it seems to look the most formal and most of the other articles I've looked at use this font too. The black boxes on the second page are showing were I am planning to put a 3 more small pictures of my artist playing the piano, the blank space on the top is were I will be adding the mini fact file about the artist.

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