Saturday 4 February 2012

Font styles

The first font is a light green and blue gradient and in the font Monotype. I like this font becasue the colour theme is very calming and relaxed something you would assosiate with classical music it remindes you of the sea, I used it as it was the second most popular colour theme from my questionnaire so I wanted to test if it would look good as the title of the magazine. The next font is French Script, gradient lime green and a darker green colour this colour I assosiate with natural things like trees and nature.The third font is again Monotype. I changed the gradient to white and red this was something my target audience suggested too, I think this colour theme is quite popular as you would assosiate red with royaliy and something grand as with classical music. The next font is Kunstler Script a gold colour witha slight shadow at the back I wanted to improvise by using a 'fancy' font as well as combinig it with the colour gold which was suggested by my target audience as the most popular. The white font is quite sophisticated and gives a cleanliness feel to the type of music I am doing my magazine. The last font is a combination of the gold gradient, the font Monotype and the letter 'P' is French Script. I decided to combine the two styles together as this looked like the theme my target audience wanted (gold and black). I used a shadow at the back to give it a 3-D effect and also added two different shades of yellow to get the 'gold' effect as well as making the 'P' i perfect bigger then the rest of the title.

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